Upper Back Pain FAQs

If you have upper back pain from an accident or a medical condition, the discomfort can limit your mobility and lower you quality of life. At Ireland Clinic of Chiropractic in Anchorage, AK, we provide various treatments to relieve your discomfort and improve your range of motion. Before visiting us, take a look at some frequently asked questions regarding upper back pain below!


What are Some Causes of Upper Back Pain?

Upper back pain originates in the thoracic spine, including the shoulder blades and backside of the rib cage. It may range from a dull ache to a sharp, throbbing, stinging pain. It can also radiate to other parts of the body. Upper back pain may last for a few hours, weeks, or months, depending on the cause and the injury.

Pain in the upper back region may involve discs, muscles, tendons, nerves, or the spinal cord. Any injury can cause inflammation, swelling, and pain, but the extent of the damage needs to be examined and diagnosed by a professional. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately pinpoint the source as soon as possible. Some causes of upper back pain include:

  • herniated or bulging discs
  • nerve compression
  • degenerative conditions
  • disease or deformities
  • disc misalignment
  • muscle tension

What are the Symptoms of Upper Back Pain?

The symptoms of upper back pain may not show up at the source. They can shift and move as the connecting nerves radiate the pain elsewhere. Some symptoms may signal a life-threatening condition. Knowing the signs to look for is essential in helping your doctor make a correct diagnosis and treatment plan. Tell your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms:

  • stabbing, shooting, or sharp pain
  • burning or stinging sensations
  • numbness or a pins-and-needles sensation
  • fatigue, fever, or headache
  • anxiety, depression, or insomnia
  • abdominal pain
  • chest pain
  • difficulty breathing
  • indigestion, nausea, or vomiting
  • unexplainable sweating
  • jaw pain

Targeting, diagnosing, and treating the source of your upper back pain is critical to your overall health and well-being. Our chiropractors have the knowledge and expertise to eliminate your pain and get you on the road to wellness and healing with the best chiropractic care treatments available.

How Does Chiropractic Care Help with Upper Back Pain?

Pain is your body's big red flag that something needs immediate attention. Any delay in seeking care could result in severe injury and permanent damage to your body. At our practice, we have the technology and compassion that can provide relief. Some of treatments we utilize for upper back pain include:

Spinal Manipulation and Chiropractic Adjustments

Gentle spinal adjustments realign discs that have moved out of place and might be creating a pinch or pressure on discs, vertebrae, nerves, and muscles. It improves circulation and relieves upper back pain.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression eases upper back pain by allowing gravity to release built-up pressure on discs, nerves, and muscles, restoring increased blood circulation. With pressure eliminated, pain is relieved.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy alleviates upper back pain by applying mild pressure to muscles and soft tissues around targeted trigger points. It releases stress and stiffness while improving circulation and relieving pain.

Muscle Stimulation, also known as E-Stim

Muscle stimulation, or E-Stim, relieves upper back pain by applying low-level electrical currents to trigger points. The stimulation releases pressure and aids the cells in their ability to heal.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

If you are experiencing persistent upper back pain, our team at Ireland Clinic of Chiropractic in Anchorage, AK, can help. Once we learn more about your condition, we can develop a customized treatment plan to help you heal. To schedule your appointment, call us at (907) 561-1222 today. When you're seeking a chiropractor near me, we are happy to assist you!

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