Knee Pain

Knee pain may come from disease or injury. Pain may be sudden, from twisting the knee while playing sports, or increase gradually from osteoarthritis's effects as a person ages. Whatever the cause, get a chiropractic consultation and treatment to help get back on your feet. Our chiropractors at Ireland Clinic of Chiropractic in Anchorage, AK, offer massage, treatment, and other help for getting pain relief for knee pain.


Holistic Treatment for Knee Pain

A chiropractor on our team evaluates knee pain based on the philosophy of holistic treatment. Holistic means treating the whole person. If you are overweight, suffer from diabetes, or have other medical conditions, for example, your knee pain may benefit from your participation in a weight loss program and improving your diet through nutritional counseling.

Chiropractic Exam

A chiropractor on our team will review your medical history and examine your past injuries, diseases, and lifestyle. If your knee pain is recurring, a chiropractor on our team will search to uncover the triggers that cause it. The goal is to help eliminate or reduce the root cause, not just cover up the symptoms for temporary relief. After a review of the medical history and tests, the chiropractor can create a treatment plan.

Treatment for Knee Pain

Treatments may include chiropractic adjustment and manual manipulation. A chiropractor on our team may use controlled movement and gentle force to help restore proper alignment to the knee joint.

Treatments may also include soft tissue mobilization. We may also provide knee exercises for increased mobility and range of motion. These exercises may also be helpful for those suffering from arthritis.

Another area of focus includes the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that control the knee joint. Massage and exercises may be used regularly after recovery. This strategy may help prevent recurring knee injuries in the future.

Get Chiropractic Treatment and Massage for Pain Relief

To schedule an appointment for evaluation and treatment of knee pain with our chiropractors at Ireland Clinic of Chiropractic in Anchorage, AK, call (907) 561-1222.

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