How to Know if You Have a Disc Herniation

The human body can be very strong, durable, and resilient. That's the good news. The bad news is the human body can also be surprisingly vulnerable and fragile. Nowhere are some of those weaknesses in the human form more clearly exhibited than in people dealing with back problems or issues like a herniated disc.

Fortunately, there is help and care to combat these occasions when our bodies seemingly let us down, but with chiropractic care, they can also show their strength and resilience. If you are looking for a chiropractor or chiropractic treatment in the Anchorage area, then our team at Ireland Clinic of Chiropractic can help.

Signs and Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

One of the most common reasons people turn to a chiropractor for help is when they suffer a herniated disc. Unlike many aches and pains, simple pain relief methods and therapeutic massage aren't enough to remedy a herniated disc. The key, however, is knowing when you might need to seek treatment, and that, of course, means understanding the signs and symptoms of having a herniated disc.

1. Pain

Experiencing sharp shooting pains in your arms or legs is a potential sign that you could have a disc herniation.

2. Numbness

Losing feeling or numbness in your extremities is a common sign of having a herniated disc.

3. Reflexes

If your reflexes seem unresponsive or even overactive, these could also be signs that you have experienced a herniated disc.

Anyone who experiences one or more of these signs and symptoms for any prolonged length of time should consider talking to a chiropractor. In most cases, it is a good idea to act sooner rather than later to help reduce the pain, damage, and impact of the injury.

Find Chiropractic Care in Anchorage, AK

Are you looking for a chiropractor near you? If you are looking for a chiropractor in the Anchorage area for the treatment of a herniated disc or other chiropractic care, our friendly and professional chiropractic team at Ireland Clinic of Chiropractic can help. Contact us to learn more and schedule a consultation for the chiropractic care and treatment you need today.

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